

Humanity  Enlightenment Movement




“Thank  you very much “ is our newsletter which is published bi-monthly.  It offers the reader enlightening words and thoughts written by Dr.Masaharu Taniguchi.  His words are filled with Light and bring forth the awareness of the fundamental Truth that we are all Children of God, and, therefore, we are all divine spiritual beings in essence; as a result,  we can all live a healthy,  prosperous, harmonious and happy life.

This newsletter is distributed free, however we do have to meet administration costs, including advertising; any freewill donation will be greatly appreciated; this will greatly assist in making these teachings available to as many people as possible.

Now available electronically.

“Thank  You Very Much “

Site was last updated on 15 January 2025

The Seicho-No-Ie Humanity Enlightenment Movement has been dedicated to bring light and spiritual growth to all people in the world.  The more we are awakened to our True nature the more we find peace and harmony within ourselves and within our environment. 

This movement was founded in 1930 by the renowned Japanese Spiritual Leader Masaharu Taniguchi .Ph.D (1893-1986) Tokyo, Japan.

We are a registered non-profit spiritual organization.
Our work is brought by dedicated volunteers only

  Path in the Garden of Chalice Well in Glastonbury, UK


Holy Sutra

Nectarian Shower of Holy Doctrines

This little booklet of 60 pages holds the essentials of the teschings of Dr Masaharu Taniguchi and is available available for $19.50, mailing included. Send payment to

Humanity Enlightenment  Movement, PO Box 68, Elmira, Ontario N3B 2Z5